Walmart is a great store that allows you to be an extreme coupon Walmart user. Walmart is usually reasonable on all their prices, but one nice perk that Walmart does offer their customers is the match price guarantee. The match price guarantee allows you to bring a competitors ad Walmart Logoto Walmart and whatever the price the other store is offering, then Walmart will match this price. You can use coupons on the match price guarantee for an additional savings. This is a good deal only if you don’t need to double the coupons because doubling is the one thing Walmart won’t do.

Another way to be an save at Walmart is to check Walmart’s website. Walmart offers printable coupons for many items on their website that you can print off and use at their store. You can save money with these printable offers. There is no limit to the offers that you can use at Walmart. If you have fifty offers, then you are able to use these in one transaction at Walmart. Always check your local store ads to see if their prices are lower than Walmart’s. If they are, then take that ad into the store and get the price matched for an additional savings without having to go to several stores when you just don’t have the time.